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Kosmoenergia praktik suunab puhta kõrgema teadvuse energia (vaimne energia) -
soovitud ajal kokkulepitud kohta 

Cosmoenrgy Healing

Dorit's personal  journey with Cosmoenergy started in 2018.

Right now (2024) she is the only  International Classic Cosmoenergy Federation (ICCF)healer in the Netherlands (her main base)

Cosmoenergy channels were discovered by Hindu and Tibetan monks through group meditations. There are many pure natural healing Cosmoenergy channels, each for different purpose and with high frequency.

Olen saanud kosmoenergia initiastioone läbi oma biovälja rahvusvalise Emil Bagirovi Kosmoenergia Federatsiooni meister õpetajalt I.Efremenkolt.


Kosmoenergia peamine ülesanne on puhastada ja tasakaalustada individuaalset energiat ja biovälja  (aurat).


Kosmoenergia kanalid puhastavad tšakraid (inimese energiakeskuseid), muutes negatiivse energia puhtaks ja täites biovälja kõrgema teadvuse energiaga.

Seega aktiveeritakse enesetervendamise protsess.

Allolev video annab lisainfot kosmoenergia tervendamise kohta:

higher consciousness energy, quantum healing hypnosis technique Amsterdam, quantum healing hypnosis technique Tallinn, cosmoenergy healer, reiki master teacher, holistic therapy, holistic wellbeing
higher consciousness energy, quantum healing hypnosis technique, reiki master teacher, cosmoenergy healer, pendulum dowsing, tarot readings, divination, private yin yoga, QHHT in Amsterdam

Keha füüsilised sümptomid on vaid jäämäe tipp. Peamised vead algavad nähtamatutest energiakehadest, kust haigus tekib.
Diagnoos näitab inimese bioloogiliselt esilekerkivaid auke või maagilisi mõjusid, seoseid teiste maailmadega (energia väljavool või sissevool), negatiivsete programmide olemasolu.

Lisaks tuvastab puhas kosmoenergia (kosmoseenergia) kõrvalekaldeid kosmilises energia-karma koormuses, selle potentsiaalis ja energiakeskuste (tšakrate) töös, mille tasakaalustamatus põhjustab häireid inimkehaga seonduvas energiaahelas, mis omakorda häirib vastavates organite toimimist.


  Einsteini tuntud valem Е = mс2 tõestab, et energia ja aine - on üks ja sama universaalne aine. See tähendab, et kõik universumi materiaalsed objektid on energia või vibratsioon.

To  make it clear.

I am not a doctor. The channels are healing and I am not using  my personal energy in the process.

The channels can be miraculous and have unbelievable healing power and results. If you have  a genetic disorder it would take a miracle to change  DNA. In very severe cases the channels may help to prolong life or to accept ones karma and make life less painful/ easier.

Furthermore, it is important to know that if an illness has developed to the final stages it depends on the age of the patient , the openness and personal will to want to heal.

I  will never diagnose anything or tell you to drop a healing process with another professional, be it a doctor of Western medicine or alternative practitioner. In fact sometimes collaboration may lead to best results.

For example from vast experience of Cosmoenergy Master Teachers -treating cancer with chemotherapy and combining Cosmoenergy treatments have lead to significant results and faster/less painful recovery.

In general, I ask to use rational and intuition. For example if the body has developed stones, or one has suffered a long time with mental illness it may take many sessions  to change the structure of the cells or energy patterns. To give an example, there is a difference when noticing the symptoms of a starting flu or already developed pneumonia. It would be delusional to assume that a deeper mental or physical illness can be cured with a few sessions. It is worth to try!

There are never 100  per cent guarantees with anything in life. The only thing I can guarantee is that I do my best with my current abilities and tools. I take full responsibility when assisting with your healing process as everything I do effects my own karma. 

With love,


your Cosmoenergy healer


Dorit Kozlovski, higher consciousness energy, reiki master teacher, cosmo energy practitio
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